Player Assessment FAQs

What is a player assessment?

The assessment will be sport specific and is intended for the coach to gain insight into the strengths and opportunities of the players and in turn the team as a whole. It is not a “try out”. All players interested in participating in athletics will be given the opportunity to play.

How will the player be assessed?

The assessment will give the player an opportunity to participate in a series of drills or a controlled scrimmage to assess their skill level (Beginner, Developing Low, Developing High, and Competitive). While players will be assessed in specific skills, they will receive an overall assessment.

When will the assessments take place?

There will be both a preseason and a postseason assessment completed.

Who will conduct the assessments?

The director of the sport will solicit for volunteers including coaches from other schools and coaches from within St. Gregory. Every effort will be made to ensure those conducting assessments are not assessing their own child.

Will the parent(s) be allowed to watch or participate in the assessment process?

No, the assessments will be conducted by an agreed upon group and will be done without parents present.

Will I be told my child’s assessment level?

Yes, you will be given information to outline the overall assessment of your child.